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Getting Started

Want to make your own Ragnarock maps? Let’s get started.

System requirements


For the best experience with Edda, you’ll need a computer with Windows 10 or Windows 11.

Older versions of Windows (back to Windows 7) may work, but are not officially supported.


Linux users can use Proton to run Edda, although it has considerable audio latency and may not function perfectly. WINE alone is not sufficient to run Edda.

NOTE: Testing was performed with Arch Linux using Edda v1.1.0.


Edda could possibly run on a Mac with software like Parallels.

Otherwise, Intel Macs can run Windows natively with Boot Camp. Apple Silicon Macs will have to run Windows through a VM.


Start by going to the GitHub repository’s Releases section. There will be two .zip packages for you to choose between.

If you are unsure of which to download, pick the larger package - the one that is not named NoRuntime. This package bundles the .NET runtime which is required for Edda to run.

If you want to use the smaller NoRuntime zip package, you need to have the .NET runtime installed. Which .NET version you need is dependent on the version of Edda.

Edda version .NET version
after 1.1.0 7.0 or later
1.0.0 to 1.1.0 6.0 or later
before 1.1.0 5.0 or later

Once you’ve downloaded the zip package, extract it somewhere on your PC.

Make sure your antivirus doesn’t interfere with anything, and that you don’t extract Edda into a privileged folder (such as Program Files).

Now that you have Edda installed and ready to go, head on over to Using Edda to start making your map!